Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Would you like to host a Coffee Hour after either the 8 AM or the 10 AM services? This is an important way of building community and getting to know more and more people. It is also a way to do service. If you want help hosting, we have folks who would be happy to help you. Susan Mulledy-DeFrank said it best: "at Christ Church every gift is pleasing when given freely and with joy." Please give Trudy Bush a call to volunteer for a Sunday or signup on Sunday. Trudy's number is 310 540-1722.



I want to thank Sandie and Bob Nelson for having coordinated our ushers, chalice bearers, and readers for the past few years. Over the course of their service, we have been exploring different ways of doing the scheduling with the result that we implemented the cards on the altar for people to pick up before the services on Sunday begin for the readings that day(See below). We have now decided to follow this same process for Chalice Bearers as well(See below)and to use a different scheduling system for our Ushers (See below).


To fill the usher positions, I (Father Bob) will be making phone calls toward the end of the week to those who have been on our list of ushers for the past few years to schedule the ushers for the coming Sunday. We hope that this will better allow those whose busy lives and calendars make it hard to commit to service more than a few days in advance of the Sunday they are needed.

If you would like to be an usher, please let Father Bob know and he will arrange for you to have the training you will need to accomplish this important ministry of hospitality and welcome.


1. Ushers should arrive 15 minutes before the service in order to greet folks as they come into church;

2. handout service bulletins (making sure the service books have the proper insert for the day);

3. identify visitors and new comers to the rector and offer them our welcome card to be filled out and returned;

4. select two people to carry the bread and wine from the back of the church to the altar during the offertory;

5. collect the offering of money and pledges during the offertory and bring it up to the altar for blessing;

6. assist the rector during the service;

7. accurately count every man, woman, and child attending the service and how many take communion and enter those numbers on the form provided;

8. at the end of the service collect all service bulletins and remove inserts (place them in the recycle bin at the entrance of the church (southwest door);

9. count the collection and place it and the form with the name of the celebrant, preacher, date, and service time, and your names (both ushers) on it in the brown paper bag provided and

10. make sure it is delivered to the office and secured in the area provided.


We will be placing cards with the names of the different readings on them (First Reading, Psalm, Second Reading, and Prayers of the People) on the altar.

We invite members of the congregation to come up and take the card for the reading you would like to do. When you come to the podium to read, simply place the card under the book in which the readings are located.


We have also decided that the chalice bearers can also self-select on Sunday mornings and cards will be placed on the altar just like the readers' cards that read "Chalice: Previously Trained," which simply means that before selecting this card the person should have been trained by Father Bob to do this ministry. If you are interested in doing chalice bearing, please see Father Bob and he will provide you with the appropriate instruction.

Thank You For Being of Service,

Father Bob, Sandie and Bob Nelson

Please CLICK HERE for the Servers' Blog for the week.

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